Weekly sounds: synesthetic man, bucolic ranch of Sound and multi-touch audio console

Weekly sounds

Welcome to Weekly Sounds, to help you stay up to date with the world of Sound and Audio design.

Our picks of the week

Do you know that one of the most prestigious companies of Sound is in a ranch? If you want to know more have a read here: Film hopefuls feel the sonic force at Skywalker Sound.

Skywalker Sound is housed in the Tech building at Skywalker Ranch. Photo by Tom Forster.

New post in One Year in Sound: Carlo Ascrizzi is Inside the Sound crew for film and then things are getting more and more challenging.

Sound and Music and NMC Recordings opened applications for Higher Education Programme for 12 composers in UK. If you are British citizen or resident in the UK this could be a great opportunity.

Multi-touch is a mature technology now, so it’s the time to see more complex devices dedicated to audio engineering also in professional studios: Raven MTX is a new production console based on this technology. You can watch a small video introduction by founder Steve Slate below.

Colour of sound: Man develops rare brain condition synesthesia after stroke tells the story of a man from Toronto, who developed a strange and new state of synesthesia involving sound and sight perception after he suffered a stroke.

A Logo You Can Listen To is an interesting article on Audio Branding, under the perspective of marketing people.

I wrote about Honda/Senna Sound project in the last Weekly sounds post: if you want to know more about it you can watch below a behind the scenes video (only japanese, but you can activate captions from YouTube video player).

The best from other Sound lovers

Great post and relative discussion by Peter Kirn of Create Digital Music on analog versus digital. Starting from Monty Montgomery’s video (you can watch below) he published Video Explains Why Difference Between Analog, Digital Isn’t What Most People Think, an interesting article on the topic.

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Gianpaolo D'Amico